Why Choose Us?

We always do our best to achieve the highest recovery for you.

This is what almost all personal injury lawyers claim. But do they really work hard enough, or are they really equipped with the needed expertise? Let us give you three real cases as examples.

1. Ms. W’s case – A dramatic soft tissue injury case.

This was an accident that happened years ago. Our client Ms. W was driving with her daughter in the front passenger seat and her son in the back seat on highway 101 southbound in the city of San Mateo. It was night time, approximately 1:24 am. When she reached a slightly curvy section of the highway before the Peninsula Avenue exit, suddenly she observed a dark object sitting directly in front of her. She immediately applied the brake with full force but was unable to stop and collided into it. Her car was a total loss and all three in the car sustained injuries.

We later found out from the police report that the dark object was a vehicle driven by someone, Mr. B. When Mr. B was driving on South Hwy 101, for no reason, with no cars in the vicinity of his car, he lost control of his car doing about 70 mph in the #1 lane, hit the concrete median divider, spun 180 degrees and came to rest in the #3 lane. He then abandoned his car and got out, just a couple of minutes before our clients collided into his car. The police report put the blame on Mr. B. However, Mr. B’s insurance company insisted that they would accept only 25% liability because their insured Mr. B testified that he did leave the headlight and emergency flashers on. On the contrary, we located a witness who was a passenger in a car passing the dead car and swerved at the last minute (and avoided collision), who stated that there were no headlights or flashers on the abandoned vehicle when she saw it. Of course, the insurance company also used the witness’ statement to deny the liability as the company claimed that if the witness were able to swerve and avoid collision, why couldn’t your client?

As the insurance company was putting up a fight and the case was heading all the way to trial, I talked to a couple of seasoned trial attorneys about this case. All of them were not optimistic about the outcome of this case. The most optimistic prediction I was given was 75% liability on the insurance company, which I was not content with.

Then, I contacted Attorney Gary Lundry. Being an attorney with over 30+ years of experience, both as Plaintiff’s attorney, and defense attorney for insurance companies, Mr. Lundry was confident on both the liability and the damages of the case after hearing the facts of the case. The outcome of the case was precisely what he determined it should be, which was a full 100% recovery. Both our clients and I were very impressed and satisfied.

Since then, Mr. Lundry and I have been working together as a team.

2. Ms. C’s case – Slip and fall causing knee fracture

This was a slip and fall case that happened in April 2018. Ms. C tripped over a mat at the entrance/exit to a grocery store. The black mat, sitting on a dark concrete floor, was folded over at the corner, creating a hidden trip hazard. Ms. C sustained a displaced patella fracture of her right knee, and minor scrapes and bruises. Her paid medical bills totaled about $20k. She also claimed that she had about $35k income loss as she was unable to work for a couple of months due to her injury, but the claim was difficult to document as Ms. C worked as a house worker for several families, and some were paying her by cash.

When Ms. C reached out to us, it was June 2019; over a year had passed since the accident. The mat Ms. C tripped over was nowhere to be found. According to Ms. C, her previous attorney suggested that she accept $10,000 to settle her case since the insurance disputed the liability. When Ms. C declined to take the offer, her attorney dropped her case, despite claiming to aggressively represent his clients.

We were able to settle Ms. C’s case for $130,000 within only a few months after we took over the case, which was 13 times of what was offered to Ms. C!

3. Ms. L’s case – Hand fracture sustained while riding in a friend’s car.

This was a late 2019 accident. Our client, Ms. L, was a passenger in an automobile. The driver, her friend, ran a red light and struck another vehicle. Ms. L sustained a fracture in her right hand. Even though the insurance company did not dispute liability, this case was heading on the way to trial because we were aggressively pursuing loss of business opportunity/loss profits for our client, the type of claim which most attorneys would not choose to do.

Lost profits claim is usually quite difficult to establish since insurance companies will almost always dismiss it as “speculative”. In this case, our client got into this car accident just one day before her scheduled flight to Brazil to investigate and possibly secure a business deal. In this car accident, our client sustained a fracture in her hand and was not able to fly as planned. Our client originally only wanted a recovery for her air-ticket. However, after we talked to her in depth, we felt that we may have a valid claim for lost business opportunity or lost profits. As expected, we had a tough battle. However, we met our challenges. Our attorneys worked relentlessly and were able to achieve a satisfactory settlement, just two months ahead of the scheduled trial date. In addition to the recovery for our client’s medical bills and pain and suffering, we feel proud that we were able to obtain reasonable compensation for the lost business opportunity, which surpassed our client’s expectations!

4. Ms. H’s case – Pedestrian walking in crosswalk resulting in serious brain injury

This is an automobile accident-pedestrian case. Ms. H was crossing a street in Fremont, CA using the crosswalk and the walk signal to cross the street. The car was making a left turn, the driver did not see her on the crosswalk due to the sun was in her eyes as she made the turn, until she heard and felt the impact that lifted Ms. H onto the hood of her car and then slammed her to the ground, where Ms. H hit her head on the asphalt.

Ms. H was knocked unconscious when taken by ambulance to the emergency room. She was in coma and stayed in ICU for 4 days. The multiple head CT scans showing brain hemorrhage; hemorrhage in the right middle ear, right mastoid fracture. She also went through a month of rehab and physical therapy. As she was a visitor in the United States, she did not have health insurance. Her medical bills alone exceed 1.1 million dollars. Unfortunately, the liable driver carried only $100k insurance policy.

Due to the liable party’s insufficient coverage, we had to look for other resources for paying the bills and for our client’s compensation. We had to file lawsuit to pursuit our claim after the liable driver’s personal assets. Eventually we were able to negotiate and obtain the best resolution under the circumstances for our client. Not only we were able to get the money out of the liable driver’s real property expeditiously, we were also able to negotiate the hospital’s bills down quite significantly so that our client received maximized NET recovery.

5. Mr. B’s case – Pedestrian walking in crosswalk resulting in elbow fracture

This is an automobile accident-pedestrian case. Mr. B was crossing a street in Oakland, CA using the crosswalk and the walk signal to cross the street. The tow truck was making a right turn, the driver did not see him on the crosswalk as it was dark. Mr. B sustained right elbow fracture and had to gone through multiple surgeries. As it was a commercial vehicle, the liable party did have more than sufficient insurance coverage. However, the insurance adjuster was trying to low-ball our claim. We had to file lawsuit. The case could not get settled at the first mediation as the offer was still much less than satisfactory. But we persisted and were prepared to fight the case to the end. Eventually we were able to achieve a recovery that exceeded our client’s expectation.

The above cases are just a few examples of what we have accomplished for our clients. Over the past twenty years we have won numerous claims for various injuries including bone fractures, brain injuries, and whiplash injuries, resulting from car v. car, car v. pedestrian, car v. bicyclist, etc. We are proud of what we do. We get satisfaction from what we do and the genuine appreciation from our clients.

Please feel free to call us at 510-791-0232, email tricia@wangslaw.com, or contact us on WeChat to schedule a FREE consultation.
